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Reflection 1: Letting go & taking on...

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Somebody once said, "If you don't want to change, don't pray!"

This saying just goes to show how dangerous (or exciting!) prayer can be.
If we open our lives up to God in real and honest prayer, things happen!


God's tendency is to affirm us in our goodness and transform us at the points where we need to be shaken up a little.


This Lent, what is God inviting you to? Perhaps its to try some letting go - letting go of ways of seeing, saying, being or behaving that just aren't fit for purpose.

Letting go of tried and tested but also tired and testing patterns that are leading us nowhere and, if we are honest, actually holding us back and making life unhappy for others and for us. 


Maybe God is suggesting that we take on something: a little task, mission or job that will stretch us to grow.

Who or what or where is it that our hands are needed? There is something waiting for our attention, our concern and our love.

Only we can fill in the blanks as to what that is. Let us set out with a bit of courage and a bit of trust on the path of Lent.


Who knows where it might lead us ?

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