Thought for Feast of St Peter and St Paul
A cat died and arrived at the Pearly gates, he told St Peter about the tough life he’d led, treated so badly by his owner. St Peter assured him he’ll be very happy in heaven. The next day 6 mice arrived at the Pearly gates, they give St Peter a similar story about their hard life, and the number of cats who constantly chased them, they were worn out. St Peter informs them they’ll be happy in heaven too. They ask for skates so that they wouldn't have to do much running in heaven. Their prayers were answered and skates were provided. A week later St Peter was passing by and found the cat comfortably resting. He asked the cat how things were going. The cat replied, "Oh wonderful, St Peter, and the meals on wheels are delicious!"
St Peter, the first Pope, is often portrayed in stories as the keeper of the gates, and St Paul, the fearless preacher, who spent his time spreading the Good News from prison cells in so many Mediterranean Countries. But their stories began in very different circumstances. Peter was a fisherman an ordinary working man. Jesus saw something in him that Peter couldn’t see himself, so by the lakeside he said “You are Peter, and on this Rock, I will build my Church.” Many mistakes followed culminating in the denial that he knew who Jesus was. Paul, a tent maker by trade, who had risen through the ranks to become a Pharisee, was even worse than Peter, he was a persecutor of Christians, Jesus saw something in Paul that led to his Conversion on the road to Damascus. The persecutor of Christians became the greatest Preacher of the Gospel. Peter and Paul are seen as the Pillars on which the Church is built, yet they began as very unlikely characters. As we celebrate their feast today, we recognise the way the Lord looks into the heart and sees the possibilities in each of us. Let us not judge and condemn, but support each other and seek out the good within, maybe that we will find new followers who can inspire us in the same way St Peter and St Paul do.